
The Electronics Maintenance offers 4th and 5th Echelon and field support to more than 170 aircraft avionics, communication and navigation systems.

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The Electronics Maintenance operates specialized shops with full support capabilities for:

  • Aircraft Avionics and Instruments
  • Ground and Weapon System Radars
  • Telecommunication & Electronics ground based equipment
  • Air-to-Air Missiles
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Manufacturing, assembly and testing of Electronic Products

The manufacturing, testing and qualification of electronics products is performed by experienced and highly qualified technical personnel using state of the art equipment to meet the necessary high quality standards.

The manufacturing activity in electronics includes:

  • Manufacturing and assembly of systems and subsystems
  • Deployment and commissioning
  • Testing and simulation
  • Customer services

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The products are in the area of:

  • Telecommunications
  • Command Control Systems
  • Electronic Warfare Systems
  • Optoelectronics
  • Secure communications
  • Weapon Systems
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Metrology Department

The metrology department at Hellenic Aerospace Industry (H.A.I.) ensures that the calibration and trial of the production instruments, is carried out according to the International Standards of Metrology.

The laboratory provides services to H.A.I and to a wide spectrum of customers, such as: Armed Forces, Industries, Research laboratories, Public Authorities, Technical Companies and Air companies.

The laboratories full trained personnel, execute the calibration procedures using state of the art equipment. The majority of laboratory’s Transfer Standards are calibrated at the Greek National Metrology Institute (E.I.M), a recognized institute by the BIPM, or by AFPSL (Bionetics Lab) of USA. A laboratory which is traceable to NIST and it is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by the A2LA, an accreditation body of USA full member of the ILAC.

The laboratory occupies space 600 m2 and allocates three on part laboratories for Electronic, Dimensional Controls and Physics. Moreover mobile teams of Laboratory execute the relative work in the installations of H.A.I.

The laboratory maintains suitable conditions of environment, as temperature, dust, humidity, noise vibrations and interference at the duration of calibration, according to the specification 00-20-14 (Air force Metrology and Calibration Program).

Calibration Procedures

The calibration procedures of the instruments and tools comes from manufactures service manual, Military technical orders such as 33K1-100-2, NAVAIR 17-35MTL-1, National and International Standards.


HAI calibration system provides Traceability of accuracy standardization to the Hellenic Institute of Metrology (EIM), where the National standards are kept, NIST “National Institute of Standards and Technology” or other recognized NMI’s. The most commonly used calibration source for Reference Standards is the Hellenic Institute of Metrology (EIM), a mutually recognized institute under the BIPM, and the ”Bionetics Laboratories” an accredited laboratory by A2LA, which is traceable to NIST. Some use of Air Force or Commercial Laboratories is made and, in such cases, written statements of Traceability to NIST, or other NMI’s and qualification certificates are required.



The laboratory has been accredited according to the international standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 The assessment has been carried out by ESYD an accreditation body in Greece full member of ILAC.

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