Aircraft systems and aerostructures
HAI possesses robust capabilities in both civil and military aircraft engineering, in-line with company’s technology development strategy.
Research Design & Development Directorate, leads the following activities:
Design & Development capabilities
- Conceptual Design
- Detailed & Assembly Design
- Structural Design & Analysis
- Testing
- Systems integration design
- Prototyping
- Prototypes manufacturing
- Repairs design
- In-service support
Directorate’s activities are certified as per AS9100 and organized according to EASA Part 21J.
The Directorate is situated in an 800m2 offices area, using state-of-the-art design and development tools, world widely established, such as:
- DS/CATIA V5/CPD (Composite Part Design Module)
- DS/ENOVIA Smarteam
Various other proprietary and COTS (i.e.: Commercial off-the-shelf) software is used, covering areas such as:
- Structures
- Aerodynamics
- Materials
- Flow simulation
The Directorate performs Research activities in new materials and their corresponding production techniques, using its well organized advanced materials laboratory to perform:
- Composite manufacturing for prototype development
- Testing (Mechanical, Microscopic analysis, NDT)
Some indicative new products that have been developed in-house
- Design, Development and Manufacturing of Hellenic Air Force Pegasus RPV
- Design and Development of a Kit-L Laser-Guided Bomb
- Preliminary Design of a General Aviation Light Utility Aircraft
- Design and Development of a Remotely Piloted Target Drone
- Design and Manufacturing of Falcon 900EX Business Jet Extended Range Fuel Tank
- Design and Manufacturing of IRIS-T Dummy Air Training Missile and Tactical Umbilical
- Participation in the structural design phase of Boeing 787 cargo frame door
- Participation in the Design & Development phase of CSO (HELIOSIII satellite)
Current Programs
- NEURON Unmanned Combat Vehicle
Design and Manufacturing of Prototype Exhaust Assembly (Nozzle & masking plate) and Aft Fuselage sections, as core partner in the corresponding consortium. During the programme, HAI engineers worked closely with their French colleagues in both the physical plateau at Dassault premises (Program Prime Contractor) and in the virtual plateau that had been established at all company sites participating in the program.
- AS EN 9100 for the Design and Development Fabrication and Assembly of Aerospace Structures και
- ISO9001:2000 for the Design and Manufacture of Structural Parts and Assemblies of Aircraft and Aircraft Engines.
Electronic Engineering Design and Development, supports activities related to defence systems, security systems, command & control, and satellite & space applications, in-line with company’s technology development strategy.
The relevant “Research Design & Development Directorate” offers specialties in various areas such as embedded systems, autonomous/unmanned systems design, surveillance systems, wireless sensors integration & networking, dependable communications/networks and tactical communication systems.
Design & Development capabilities
- Systems Engineering
- Hardware Design
- Software Development
- Systems Adaptations and Integration
- FPGA design
- RF Design
- Testing & Qualification
- Reliability and Maintainability Studies
- Satellite Services
In addition to company’s certificates, the directory is also holder of the relative certificates:
- ISO9001:2008 and the TickIT Guide for the Design and Development of Aviation and Military Applications
Available infrastructure and computing capabilities include worldwide acceptable tools for design, development and modelling of both hardware and software.
- Software Development
- Languages: C (nesC), C++, Java, VB, C#
- Tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio
- Hardware Design
- Languages: VHDL
- Tools: ISE Design Suite (Xilinx)
- System Modelling & Prototyping
- Languages: UML, SysML
- Tools: Matlab/Simulink, Rational Rhapsody, LabView
- Requirements Defintion & Mgmt
- Tools: IBM DOORS
- PCB / Electrical Design Tools
- Tools: Altium Designer, ELECTRE
- Network Simulation and Design tools
- Software Tools
- Subversion, SourceSafe (for version control)
Engineering, Design, Development and Research Background
- Design, Implementation and Deployment of the Combat Zone Tactical Communication System HERMES
- Artillery Fire Control System PYTHAGORAS
- Design, Development and Support of Tactical and Technical Artillery Fire Control System STEPP “DIAS”, a C4I system addressed to the Greek Artillery
- Design and development of power supply units
- Development of secure communication units (Digital Message Device for HERMES)
- Design and Development of RSF a Remote Sensing Facility unit
- Implementation and support of satellite broadband communication services in 96 remote Greek ports
- Participation in the FLYSAFE research project addressing the design and prototype development of an Airborne Integrated Surveillance system for for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations
- Participation in the SOBCAH research project addressing Methodologies, Technologies & Demonstration of Surveillance Systems for Borders, Coastlines and Harbors
- Participation in the CASAM research project addressing Flight Safety/Security Systems – IR Countermeasures
- Participation in the SAFEE research project addressing security issues of Aircraft in the Future European Environment
- Involvement in the NATO Study NIAG – SG86: NATO Integrated Harbour Barrier System (NIHBS)
Recent & Current Programs
- Enhanced data upgrade of HERMES CZCS with HIGEM (Eurocom multiplexer with IP router)
- Implementation of HAI’s premises perimeter protection system
- Participation in ARTEMISIA JU Initiative (Development of Technology for improving embedded systems design). HAI participates in the following programs:
- CESAR : Methods and processes for safety-relevant embedded systems
- SHIELD (pSHIELD, nSHIELD) : investigating the realization of an embedded Architectural Framework for Security, Privacy and Dependability (SPD)
- SMART : Efficient, reconfigurable, low-power sensor nodes
- R3-COP : Robust and safe cognitive, reasoning autonomous and co-operative robotic systems
- SMECY : Multicore embedded computing systems
- SIMPLE : Sensor networks and middleware for manufacturing and logistics
- Participation in ICT, Security, Transportation and Aeronautics related research projects funded by the EU FP7 program:
- ATOM : Airport detection & tracking of dangerous materials with passive and active sensor arrays
- ASPIS : Autonomous Surveillance in Public Infrastructure Systems
- AWISSENET : Secure Communications/Ad-hoc networks
- VITRO : Virtual ad hoc sensor networks
- TRIADE : Technology building blocks for structural health monitoring sensing devices in aeronautics
- SCARLETT : Scalable fault tolerant avionics
- HIRF : Tools for high intensity radiated field environment
- TALOS : Surveillance and border security with unmanned systems
- Participation in projects funded by the European Defence Agency (EDA):
- ENEA : a proposal for a study on the design of European Network Enabled Armoured Fighting Vehicle. Focus was on Communications architecture with heterogeneous networks
- UGTV : Unmanned Ground Tactical Vehicle. Focus was on control/navigation
- Participation in projects funded by the European Space Agency (ESA):
- Space Internet, DISCOS : Space communications with Delay Tolerant Networks
- ASPIICS : Design of electronic systems for satellites
- NATO/RTO Research:
- SET – 085 RTG 49 : Radar signature prediction of cavities on aircraft, vehicles and ships
- Participation in the CLEAN SKY JU Initiative in the thematic area of Green Regional Aircraft seeking to deliver low-weight aircraft using smart structures, as well as low external noise configurations:
- GRA- CleanSky : Development of wireless sensor network for health monitoring of structures and systems
Strategic Priorities in Electronics
- Integrated Systems
- Command Control Systems
- Communication Networks
- Special Systems
- Unmanned Systems
- Surveillance Systems
- Avionics
- Satellite Applications